Online Resources in Response to COVID-19 Restrictions

In response to the COVID - 19 emergency and the resulting restrictions on in-person interactions, Dweller has expanded its online resources for researching and planning ADU projects. While this crisis highlights the urgent need for more housing options like ADUs, we understand that property owners have other concerns. Whether you are actively planning an ADU project or an ADU is the last thing on your mind, our goal is to provide as many resources online as possible so that you can use them whenever you are ready to proceed.

Starting Your ADU Research

The best way to start your research is to explore the resources on our website:

  • Our FAQs page provides answers to the most common questions we receive about ADU projects, including information about cost, utilities, taxes and zoning.

  • Our ADUs page highlights our existing projects and includes virtual tours of both furnished and unfurnished Dweller ADUs.

  • Our Financing pages have useful information on the range of financing options available for homeowners.

  • Our Benefits of Owning an ADU pages highlight the many reasons property owners pursue ADU projects, including the income from a rental unit, the additional housing for family members, and the environmental benefits of adding housing within existing neighborhoods.

  • Our permitting pages detail the requirements for building an ADU in jurisdictions throughout Oregon.

Virtual Tours

We know that homeowners value the opportunity to experience our ADUs in person. While open houses and in person tours are on hold, we offer a range of virtual tours to allow you to see inside a variety of ADUs from the comfort of your home.

Let Dweller Do The Research

Whether you want to do a lot or a little research, we’re here to answer all your questions. We’ll even do the research for you. Just send us your address and we will email a written assessment which summarizes your property’s characteristics and provides recommended next steps. We have access to a lot of information online and can save you the hassle of tracking it down yourself.

Even though we can’t meet in-person, we are also still available to visit your property if it appears suited for a detached ADU after online research. Since property site visits are performed outside and don’t require any face-to-face contact, they can be performed within recommended guidelines for social distancing. At no time will a Dweller representative enter your home or come in close proximity to you or other members of your household. The safety of our staff and customers will always be our priority so we will hold off on any site visits that don't allow for required social distancing.

Start the process today using this link to send us an address. You can also send an email to

We look forward to seeing you again 

Thanks to all of our essential frontline workers at hospitals, grocery stores, distribution centers and everywhere else critical services are still being provided. And thanks to everyone else who is staying home and safe. We are flattening the curve every day and getting closer to the day when we will all be able to return to our lives. When that day comes, we look forward to welcoming you again to one of the many beautiful backyards that house our ADUs.